Performance Tips about Django ORM

Django provides an friendly Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework. In several of my data analysis projects, I used Django ORM to process millions of logcat data generated by hundreds of Android phones. Here are some of the experiences and tips that helps making the processing just a bit faster.

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OS161 Debug Tips

In doing OS161 assignments, if you don't know how to use GDB and how to use it efficiently, you're screwed, and will die very ugly. It's a very important skill to use GDB to identify what's wrong with your code. That's the first step towards to fix the bug.

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Get Package Usage Statistics in Android

In developing PhoneLab Conductor, I need to get various statistics about a installed package to determine if a app is actively used by participant. For example, for interactive apps, I'd like to know how many times the user launches the app, and how long user actively interact with the app. For background apps (e.g., data collection), I'd like to know how long the background service has been running.

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OS161: Unknown syscall -1

When working on OS161 system calls, you'll probably see a bunch of this error, especially you haven't implemented _exit syscall and try to do some basic user programs, e.g., p /bin/true.

Note, this problem has been fixed in OS/161 version 1.99.07.

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