Build AOSP 5.1.1 for Nexus 5

I this post I will talk about the extra steps to build a usable Lollipop (5.1.1) ROM for LG Nexus 5 (hammerhead) device. Most of the functionalities work out of box (bluetooh, Wifi tethering, camera, etc), but there are some show-stoppers.

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Disable VIM Spell Checking for C String

Date Category Vim Tags spell

Vim has great built-in spell checking. Even better, when editing source code files, it is smart enough to know not do spell checking in source code, which is quite neat. However, it will still do spell checking for string literals. Most of the times, this is not desired. This post shows how to tell VIM only do spell checking in comments when editing code files.

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Monitor Screen Touch Event in Android

Date Category Android

In one of my projects I need to track every screen touch event in background. That is, my app needs to be "invisible" while capturing every screen touch. Here is how I achieved this.

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