One principle of kernel programming is that: do not trust anything users passed in. Since we assume that users are bad, they will do anything they can to crash the kernel (just as $OS161_SRC/user/testbin/badcall/badcall.c do). So we need pay special attention to the arguments of the system calls, especially the pointers.

$OS161_SRC/kern/vm/copyinout.c provides several useful facilities to safely copy user level arguments into kernel or vice versa. They assure that even if user arguments is illegal, the kernel can still get control and handle the error, instead of just crash. So let's see how can they be applied in the system calls.

User space strings

Some system call, e.g. open, chdir, execv, requires a user level string as arguments. We can use copyinstr to do this. See the prototype of copyinstr:

int copyinstr(const_userptr_t usersrc, char* dest, size_t len, size_t *actual) 

const_userptr_t is just a signpost that make usersrc explicitly looks like a user pointer. So basically, this function copies a \0 terminated user space string into kernel buffer dest, and copy as much as len bytes, and return the actual bytes copied in actual. Note that copyinstr will also copy the last \ 0. Suppose we have a function that takes a user space string as argument.

int foo (char* name) { 
    char kbuf[BUF_SIZE]; 
    int err;
    size_t actual;

    if ((err = copyinstr((const_userptr_t)name, kbuf, BUF_SIZE, &actual)) != 0)
        return err; 
    return 0; 

Then if we call foo("hello"), on success, actual will be 6, including the last \0.

User space buffer

In system calls like read or write, we need to read from or write to user space buffers. We can use copyin or copyout here. For example:

int foo_read(unsigned char* ubuf, size_t len) 
    int err;

    void* kbuf = kmalloc(len); 
    if ((err = copyin((const_userptr_t)ubuf, kbuf, len)) != 0) 
        return err; 

    if ((err = copyout(kbuf, (userptr_t)ubuf, len)) != 0) 
        return err; 

    return 0; 